is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, author and lecturer.
She has been teaching compassion for self and others around the world since 2008. She is a key contributor to the first clinical adaptations – Compassion Focused Therapy– and to the non-clinical training program, Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), and its teacher training. She was an honorary lecturer at the University of Glasgow, UK, from 2008 until 2023.
She has pioneered research into compassion-based psychotherapy for complex mental health issues and published the programme Self-Compassion in Clinical Practice.
Through her books, online courses and transformative workshops she guides us to overcome obstacles to gentle and fierce self-compassion and to relate to each other from a place of genuine good will, wisdom, and empowerment to co-create and live our purpose.
Her approach integrates evidence-based methods, compassion-based parts work with a deep respect for and intuitive understanding of our innate wisdom and shared humanity.
Education & Qualifications
- 1998-2002 MA (Hons) Psychology, University of Edinburgh, UK
- 2004-2007 Doctor of Clinical Psychology, University of Edinburgh, UK
- 2015 Doctor of Philosophy by Research, University of Edinburgh, UK
Professional Accreditation
- 2007-2018 Chartered Clinical Psychologist, British Psychological Society, UK
- 2009-2021 Registered Practitioner Psychologist, Health Professions Council, UK
- since 2010 Accredited Clinical Supervisor, University of Glasgow, UK
- since 2010 Approbation als Psychologischer Psychotherapeut (license), Germany
- since 2012 Facharztregistereintragung (Registered as Specialist), Germany
- since 2013 Accredited Clinical Supervisor, Psychotherapeutenkammer Bayern, Germany
Post-Qualification Training & Accreditations
- 2008 Accreditation in Behavioural Family Therapy, UK
- 2008-2010 Mindfulness & Compassion Trainer, Rob Nairn & Mindfulness Association, UK
- Since 2010 Trainer and Supervisor in Compassion Focused Therapy, Paul Gilbert, UK
- Since 2012 Certified Teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion, Center for MSC, US
- Since 2014 Certified Teacher Trainer of Mindful Self-Compassion, Center for MSC, US
- Since 2015 Training in Psychodynamische Imaginative Trauma Therapie (PITT)
- Since 2019 Internal Family Systems Therapy Level 1, The Center for Self-Leadership, US
- Since 2022 Intimacy From the Inside Out – Internal Family Systems Therapy Level 2, The Center for Self-Leadership, US
Employment History
- 2001-2002 Psychiatric Nursing Assistant, NHS Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Edinburgh, UK
- 2002-2004 Research Coordinator, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, McGill University Montréal, Canada
- 2003-2004 Research Assistant, Prevention & Early Intervention Program for Psychoses Douglas Mental Health University Institute Montréal, Canada
- 2004-2007 Trainee Clinical Psychologist, NHS Lothian & University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
- 2008-2010 Specialist Clinical Psychologist in CMHT, NHS Ayrshire & Arran, Irvine, UK
- 2011-2012 Clinical Psychologist, Psychosomatic Hospital Heiligenfeld, Bad Kissingen, Germany
- 2012 – 2018 Clinical Psychologist, Private Practice, Munich, Germany
- 2016-2018 Board Secretary, Center for Mindful Self-Compassion, US
- 2008 - 2023 Honorary Lecturer, Institute of Health & Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, UK
- 2010 – 2011 Honorary Teaching Fellow, MSc Mindfulness Studies, University of Aberdeen, UK
- 2014 – 2021 Faculty Member, Mindfulness-Based Professional Training Institute, University of California at San Diego, US
- Since 2010 Invited lectures and workshops worldwide since 2008. See detailed listing below.
Book chapters
- Braehler, C. (2023). Ch. 20: Self-Compassion in Trauma Treatment. In A. Finlay-Jones, K. Bluth, K. Neff (Eds.) Handbook of Self-Compassion. (pp. 347-367). Mindfulness in Behavioral Health. Springer.
- Braehler, C. & Neff, K. (2020). Ch. 20: Self-Compassion in PTSD. In M. Tull & N. Kimbrel (Eds.) Emotion in PTSD. (pp. 567-591). Elsevier.
- Braehler, C. & Germer, C. (2017). Compassion in Psychotherapy. In J. Loizzo, M. Neale, E. Wolf (Eds). Advances in Contemplative Psychotherapy: Accelerating Transformation. (pp. 131-145). Routledge.
- Braehler, C., Harper, J. & Gilbert, P. (2013). Compassion Focused Group Therapy for Recovery after Psychosis. In C. Steel (Ed.), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Schizophrenia: Evidence Based Interventions and Future Directions (pp. 236-266). Chichester: Wiley.
- Winter, H., Braehler, C., & Gilbert, P. (2013) Compassion Focused Therapy. In T. Heidenreich & J. Michalak (Ed.) Die “dritte Welle”: Neue Ansätze in der Verhaltenstherapie. (pp. 79-101) Beltz Verlag.
- Brähler, C. (2013). Compassion Focused Therapy bei Depression. In O. Kunz & T. Teismann (Ed.). Moderne Ansätze in der Depressionsbehandlung. (pp. 295-328) DGVT Verlag.
Peer-reviewed articles
- Martins, M. J., Carvalho, C. B., Macedo, A., Pereira, A. T., Braehler, C., Gumley, A., & Castilho, P. (2018). Recovery through affiliation: A compassionate approach to schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder (COMPASS). Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 9, 97-102.
- Braehler, C., Valiquette, L., Holowka, D., Malla, A.K., Joober, R., Ciampi, A., Pawliuk, N., & King, S., (2013) Childhood Trauma and Dissociation in First Episode Schizophrenia, Chronic Schizophrenia, and Community Controls. Psychiatry Research, 210(1), 36-42.
- Braehler, C., Gumley, A., Harper, J., Wallace, S., Norrie, J., & Gilbert, P. (2013). Exploring change processes in compassion focused therapy in psychosis: Results of a feasibility randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52(2), 199-214.
- Braehler, C. & Schwannauer, M. (2012). Recovering an Emerging Self: Exploring Reflective Function in Recovery from Adolescent-Onset Psychosis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 85 (1), 48-67.
- Gumley, A., Braehler, C., Laithwaite, H., MacBeth, A. & Gilbert, P. (2010). A compassion-focussed model of recovery after psychosis. International Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 3(2), 186-201.
- Braehler, C., Holowka, D., Brunet, A., Beaulieu, S., Baptista, T., Debruille, J-B., Walker, C-D., King, S. (2005). Diurnal cortisol in schizophrenia patients with childhood trauma. Schizophrenia Research, 79 (2-3), 353-354.
Invited Lectures & Workshops
Harvard University, US
University of California at San Diego, US
University of Glasgow, UK
University of Aberdeen, UK
Universidad de Valencia, Spain
Universität Hamburg, DE
Universität Giessen, DE
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, DE
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE
Universität Witten-Herdecke, DE
Universität Köln, DE
Universität Konstanz, DE
Technische Universität München, DE
Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal, CDN
National Health Service Scotland, Eating Disorder Services, UK
ACT Kliniken, Copenhagen, DK
AMEOS Seeklinikum Brunnen, CH
Privatklinik Hohenegg, CH
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg- Eppendorf, DE
Psychiatrie Hamburg, DE
Sanima Klinik Bad Herrenalb, DE
Zentrum für Seelische Gesundheit, Berlin, DE
Schön Klinik für Psychosomatik. Roseneck, DE
Psychosomatik, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, München, DE
Frauennotruf, München, DE
Evangelisches Beratungszentrum e.V., München, DE
DRK Schmerzzentrum, Mainz, DE
Caritas München-Freising, DE
Artemed Psychosomatische Klinik, DE
Evangelische Landeskirche BW, DE
International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis, US, UK
Royal College of Psychiatry, UK
British Association of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies, UK
European Association of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies
Asociación Española de Mindfulness y Compasión, ES
Mindfulness Association Iceland, ICE
L’Association pour le Développement de la Mindfulness, FR
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie, A
MSC Teacher Association Denmark, DK
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie, DE
Medizin und Menschlichkeit e.V., DE
Dachverband Dialektisch Behaviorale Therapie e.V., DE/A/CH
Hailan Wellbeing & Family, CHINA
FACES Conferences, US
Centre de formation en TCC, Québec, CDN
Anna Ehnvall KBT Kompetens, Gothenburg, SE
CBT Association, Riga, LAT
Pleinement Conscient, FR
Pro Juventute Akademie, A
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wissenschafltiche Psychotherapie Berlin, DE
Palliative-Spirituelle Akademie, DE
vfkv-Ausbildungsinstitut München, DE
CIP Akademie, München, DE
Autocompassion Montréal, CDN
Center for Mindfulness, FIN
Mindfulness Association, UK
Center for Mindfulness, SE
Centrum voor Mindfulness, Amsterdam, NL
Global C, ES
Stichting Mandali, IT
L’institut Pleine Conscience (IPC), BE
European Center for Mindfulness, Freiburg, DE
Arbor Seminare, Freiburg, DE
Boston Consulting Group, DE
Mindfulness at Work, UK
In the Media
Brillux Radio
Was ist Selbstmitgefühl? Und wie übe ich es?
MENO AN MICH: Was meditieren kann.
Techniker Krankenkasse Magazin
Interview November 2022
Brähler & Luthe 2021
Bearing Witness: Meditation im KZ Auschwitz
Interview im Netzwerk Ethik Heute zu Wege aus der Einsamkeit
Interview im WEGWEISER ‘Keine Angst vor Einsamkeit’
Deutschlandfunk NOVA ‘Selbstmitgefühl bei Einsamkeit’
Interview in VISIONEN ‘Der Isolation entfliehen’
Interview in Glückspost, Schweiz