
Enjoy my own heart-focused meditations and those part of the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Program by Germer & Neff to which I significantly contributed as a first teacher and teacher trainer.

If you are mentally ill (= meet diagnostic criteria), please first consult your treating clinician since these meditations were not designed for clinical purposes.
I am not liable for any damages caused.

If you are a psychotherapist, take my class Self-Compassion in Clinical Practice to learn how to teach your clients to become their own best friend.


Loving without losing yourself

Compassionate Companion Visualization

Compassionate Body Scan

Soften – Soothe – Allow

Compassionate Friend

Loving Kindness for a Loved One

Self-Compassion Break

Giving and Receiving Compassion

Loving Kindness for Ourselves

Affectionate Breathing


Purify & Strengthen Your Heart Energy

Open to Abundant Love

Feeling Comfortable in Your Own Skin

Connect with Your Heart Energy

Self-Compassion for Grief

Meet Your Parts with Compassion

Recharge in the Circle of Care