Self-Compassion in Clinical Practice

The Essentials | The Complete course

Back in Scotland in 2008 I initiated and led the first clinical trial of compassion-focused therapy for individuals suffering from distressing psychosis. I combined my clinical experience of treating people with complex mental health issues and my personal training in mindfulness and compassion to pioneer new interventions for clients (Gumley, Braehler et al. 2010; Braehler et al.  2013a; 2013b).

What became obvious to our team was that we – the clinicians- needed training, too. Luckily, programmes in self-compassion for the public where just being drafted up by colleagues in the US. Since then, I have been instrumental in developing the non-clinical training programme Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) and in contributing to its international dissemination including the training of teachers.

Over the past 13 years I have lectured and written several book chapters on how to safely integrate self-compassion in the individual and group treatment of depression, psychosis and complex trauma (e.g. Braehler & Neff, 2020; Braehler, 2023). As any human knows, the practice of love, wisdom and compassion cannot be learned from reading books alone. I have therefore created this interactive, dense, fun and informative video course to help you learn effortlessly from the inside out. I trust that you and your clients will benefit.

Step aside and let the compassion do the work!

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Do you need practical evidence-based guidance for how to integrate self-compassion into your individual psychotherapy in a trauma- and shame-sensitive way?

Then you have come to the right place.

complete course

What you will learn

Module 1


To improve your therapeutic presence through focused mental training, which is based on the neuroscientific model of compassion

Module 2


To transform challenging moments of excessive responsibility, striving, powerlessness, fear of being overwhelmed by emotions and shame into wise and compassionate action with your clients through parts-based exercises.

Module 3


To design trauma-sensitive and shame-sensitive case conceptualizations and compassion-based interventions for your clients which consider their attachment style and mentalizing capacity.

About the course

What you will get

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What you need

Please note

This course gives you the tools and principles for how to improve your therapeutic presence and how to adapt the existing self-compassion exercises as found in MSC, CMT etc to your clients’ needs, symptoms and competencies. This course does not contain generic self-compassion exercises or specific exercises for clients. Easy exercises for clients can be found here. Generic self-compassion exercises can be found here or take the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Programme. 

Buy for €450

Module One/Two/Three:
Self-Compassion in Clinical Practice – The Essentials

Practical tools and evidence-based guidance for integrating self-compassion into individual psychotherapy